;Grass rendering algorhytm
;By Matt Merkulov
;E-mail: MattMerk[@]mail[.]ru
;ICQ: 392-274-050
SeedRnd MilliSecs()
Const LandscapeSize = 256
Const DitheringTextureSize = 512
Const DitheringTextureScale = 4
Const LandscapeSizeMask = LandscapeSize - 1
Const LandscapeHeight# = 32
Const GrassColor = 100
Const GrassDColor = 20
Const GrassBackground = 100
Const MaxGrassSpreadingRadius# = 0.72
Const BushesThreshold# = 0.28
Const MaxBushesThreshold# = 0.34
Const SandThreshold# = 0.3
Const HillsMinRadius = 16
Const HillsMaxRadius = 64
Const HillsMinHeight# = 0.2
Const HillsMaxHeight# = 1.0
Const HillsQuantity# = 100
Const BushTypesQuantity = 2
Const BushModelsQuantity = 2
Const BushTextureSize = 256
Const BushModelScaleMin# = 0.3
Const BushModelScaleMax# = 0.6
Const PlayerHeight# = 1.5
Const PlayerSpeedPerSecond# = 10.0
Const PlayerTurnPerSecond# = 180.0
Const FadingTimeInSeconds# = 1.0
Const MaxAlpha# = 1.0
;Small grass quadrants - smooth, but slow grass rendering
Const GrassGridCellSize# = 2.0
Const BushesQuantityPerSquare = 12
Const GrassRadiusInSquares# = 8
;Largel grass quadrants - jerky, but fast grass rendering
;Const GrassGridCellSize# = 8.0
;Const BushesQuantityPerSquare = 192
;Const GrassRadiusInSquares# = 2
Const GrassGridSize = LandscapeSize / GrassGridCellSize#
Const BushTextureXTexSize# = 1.0 / BushTypesQuantity
Const BushTextureYTexSize# = 1.0 / BushModelsQuantity
Const GrassRadius# = GrassRadiusInSquares# * GrassGridCellSize#
Graphics3D 800, 600
Camera = CreateCamera()
ScaleEntity camera, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3
PositionEntity Camera, LandscapeSize / 2, 100, LandscapeSize / 2
;RotateEntity Camera, 45, 0, 0
RotateEntity CreateLight(), 45, 45, 0
Type ActiveSquare
Field X, Z, JustAdded
End Type
Type FadingBush
Field Alpha#, FadingMode, X, Z
End Type
Dim ServiceMap(LandscapeSize, LandscapeSize)
Const VisibleActiveSquare = %11
Const InvisibleActiveSquare = %10
Const VisibleSquare = %01
Const InvisibleSquare = %00
Const Visibility = %01
Const Activity = %10
Dim BushModel(BushTypesQuantity - 1, BushModelsQuantity - 1)
Dim BushQuantityMap#(GrassGridSize - 1, GrassGridSize - 1)
Dim BushMap(GrassGridSize - 1, GrassGridSize - 1)
Dim BushFader.FadingBush(GrassGridSize - 1, GrassGridSize - 1)
Global Landscape = CreateTerrain(LandscapeSize)
Global LandscapeTexture = CreateTexture(LandscapeSize, LandscapeSize, 15)
Global LandscapeDitheringTexture = CreateTexture(DitheringTextureSize, DitheringTextureSize, 15)
Global Grass = CreateTexture(BushTextureSize * BushTypesQuantity, BushTextureSize * BushModelsQuantity, 13)
ScaleEntity Landscape, 1, LandscapeHeight#, 1
TryToAddSquare EntityX(Camera) / GrassGridCellSize#, EntityZ(Camera) / GrassGridCellSize#
Const FadingIn = 1, FadingOut = 2
MoveEntity Camera, 0, 0, PrevFrameRenderingTimeInSeconds# * PlayerSpeedPerSecond# * (KeyDown(200) - KeyDown(208))
TurnEntity Camera, 0, PrevFrameRenderingTimeInSeconds# * PlayerTurnPerSecond# * (KeyDown(203) - KeyDown(205)), 0
FrameBeginningTime = MilliSecs()
PlayerX# = EntityX(Camera)
PlayerZ# = EntityZ(Camera)
PositionEntity Camera, PlayerX#, TerrainY#(Landscape, PlayerX#, 0, PlayerZ#) + PlayerHeight#, PlayerZ#
SetBuffer TextureBuffer(LandscapeTexture)
qua = 0
For S.ActiveSquare=Each ActiveSquare
tmp = ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z)
If (ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z) And Activity) = Activity And S\JustAdded Then
Delete S
S\JustAdded = False
Dist# = EntityDistance(BushMap(S\X, S\Z), Camera)
If Dist# > GrassRadius# Then
If (ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z) And Visibility) = VisibleSquare Then
ExpandSquare S
If Paint Then WritePixel S\X * GrassGridCellSize#, S\Z * GrassGridCellSize#, $FF00FFFF
If BushMap(S\X, S\Z) Or GrassMethod = MethodHide Then
If BushFader(S\X, S\Z) <> Null Then
FB.FadingBush = BushFader(S\X, S\Z)
FB.FadingBush = New FadingBush
FB\X = S\X
FB\Z = S\Z
FB\Alpha# = MaxAlpha#
BushFader(S\X, S\Z) = FB
End If
FB\FadingMode = FadingOut
End If
ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z) = InvisibleActiveSquare
If CountNeighbors(S, VisibleSquare) = 0 Then
ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z) = InvisibleSquare
Delete S
ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z) = InvisibleActiveSquare
End If
End If
If (ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z) And Visibility) = InvisibleSquare Then
ExpandSquare S
If Paint Then WritePixel S\X * GrassGridCellSize#, S\Z * GrassGridCellSize#, $FFFF0000
ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z) = VisibleActiveSquare
S\JustAdded = False
ShowEntity BushMap(S\X, S\Z)
If BushFader(S\X, S\Z) <> Null Then
FB.FadingBush = BushFader(S\X, S\Z)
FB.FadingBush = New FadingBush
FB\X = S\X
FB\Z = S\Z
FB\Alpha# = 0.0
BushFader(S\X, S\Z) = FB
End If
FB\FadingMode = FadingIn
If CountNeighbors(S, InvisibleSquare) = 0 Then
ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z) = VisibleSquare
Delete S
ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z) = VisibleActiveSquare
End If
End If
End If
End If
DFading# = PrevFrameRenderingTimeInSeconds# / FadingTimeInSeconds#
For FB.FadingBush = Each FadingBush
A# = FB\Alpha#
If FB\FadingMode = FadingIn Then
A# = A# + DFading#
If A# > MaxAlpha# Then A# = MaxAlpha#
FB\Alpha# = A#
EntityAlpha BushMap(FB\X, FB\Z), A#
If A# = MaxAlpha# Then Delete FB
A# = A# - DFading#
If A# < 0.0 Then A# = 0.0
FB\Alpha# = A#
EntityAlpha BushMap(FB\X, FB\Z), A#
If A# = 0.0 Then
HideEntity BushMap(FB\X, FB\Z)
BushFader(FB\X, FB\Z) = Null
Delete FB
End If
End If
For S.ActiveSquare=Each ActiveSquare
qua = qua + 1
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
If FPSCounterResetTime <= MilliSecs() Then
FPSCounterResetTime = MilliSecs() + 1000
FPS = FPSCounter
FPSCounter = 0
FPSCounter = FPSCounter + 1
End If
Text 0, 0, "Frames / sec:" + FPS + ", activesquares: " + qua
PrevFrameRenderingTimeInSeconds# = 0.001 * (MilliSecs() - FrameBeginningTime)
Until KeyHit(1)
For X = 0 To GrassGridSize - 1
For Y = 0 To GrassGridSize - 1
If BushMap(X, Y) Then FreeEntity BushMap(X, Y)
FreeEntity Landscape
FreeTexture LandscapeTexture
FreeTexture LandscapeDitheringTexture
Function CreateLandscape()
SetBuffer FrontBuffer()
Text 0, 0, "Generating landscape..."
For n = 1 To HillsQuantity
HillRadius = Rnd(HillsMinRadius, HillsMaxRadius)
HillX = Rand(0, LandscapeSize)
HillY = Rand(0, LandscapeSize)
HillHeight# = Rnd(HillsMinHeight#, HillsMaxHeight#)
If -HillRadius < -HillX Then DXFrom = -HillX Else DXFrom = -HillRadius
If HillRadius > LandscapeSize - HillX Then DXTo = LandscapeSize - HillX - 1 Else DXTo = HillRadius
If -HillRadius < -HillY Then DYFrom = -HillY Else DYFrom = -HillRadius
If HillRadius > LandscapeSize - HillY Then DYTo = LandscapeSize - HillY - 1 Else DYTo = HillRadius
For DY = DYFrom To DYTo
For DX = DXFrom To DXTo
X = HillX + DX
Y = HillY + DY
K# = Sqr(DX * DX + DY * DY) / HillRadius
If K# > 1.0 Then K# = 1.0
Height# = 0.5 * (1.0 + Cos(180.0 * K#)) * HillHeight# * HillRadius / 64
If Height# > TerrainHeight#(Landscape, X, Y) Then ModifyTerrain Landscape, X, Y, Height#
SetBuffer FrontBuffer()
Text 0, 10, "Painting landscape..."
SetBuffer TextureBuffer(LandscapeTexture)
For Y = 0 To LandscapeSize - 1
For X = 0 To LandscapeSize - 1
If TerrainHeight#(Landscape, X, Y) > SandThreshold# Then
WritePixel X, Y, $FF00FF00
WritePixel X, Y, $FFFFFF00
End If
End Function
Function PaintTextures()
ScaleTexture LandscapeTexture, LandscapeSize, -LandscapeSize
TerrainShading Landscape, True
ScaleTexture LandscapeDitheringTexture, DitheringTextureScale, DitheringTextureScale
SetBuffer TextureBuffer(LandscapeDitheringTexture)
For Y = 0 To DitheringTextureSize
For X = 0 To DitheringTextureSize
WritePixel X, Y, (Rand(96,160) * $010101) Or $FF000000
EntityTexture Landscape, LandscapeDitheringTexture
EntityTexture Landscape, LandscapeTexture, 0, 1
TextureBlend LandscapeTexture, 2
End Function
Function CreateBushes()
;SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SetBuffer FrontBuffer()
Text 0, 20, "Painting textures..."
SetBuffer TextureBuffer(Grass)
For Y = 0 To BushTextureSize * BushTypesQuantity - 1
For X = 0 To BushTextureSize * BushModelsQuantity - 1
WritePixel X, Y, 256 * GrassBackground
For n1 = 0 To BushTypesQuantity - 1
For n2 = 0 To BushModelsQuantity - 1
m = CreateMesh()
s = CreateSurface(m)
If n1 = 0 Then
For nn = 1 To 100 + n2 * 100
Radius# = Rnd(BushTextureSize / 2, BushTextureSize)
X = BushTextureSize * (Rnd(0,1) ^ 2 * (Rand(0, 1) * 2 - 1) + 1) * 0.5
Angle# = Rnd(70, 110)
X2 = Cos(Angle#) * Radius# + X
Y2 = BushTextureSize - 1 - Sin(Angle#) * Radius# + n2 * BushTextureSize
Until X2 >=0 And X2 < BushTextureSize
For DeltaX = -3 To 3
Color 0, GrassColor + DeltaX * GrassDColor, 0
Line X + DeltaX, (n2 + 1) * BushTextureSize - 1, X2, Y2
For nn= 0 To 7
Angle# = nn * 45
;CreateQuad s, Cos(Angle# - 45), Sin(Angle# - 45), Cos(Angle# + 45), Sin(Angle# + 45), Cos(Angle#) * 0.75, Sin(Angle#) * 0.75
CreateQuad s, Cos(Angle#) * 0.5, Sin(Angle#) * 0.5, -Cos(Angle#) * 0.5, -Sin(Angle#) * 0.5, n1, n2, Cos(Angle# + 90), Sin(Angle# + 90)
For nn = 1 To 150 + n2 * 150
X = Rnd(BushTextureSize * 2 / 5, BushTextureSize * 3 / 5) + BushTextureSize
Angle# = Rnd(10, 170)
Radius# = Rnd(0, 1) * (1 - Abs(angle - 90) / 133) * BushTextureSize
X2 = Cos(Angle#) * Radius# + BushTextureSize / 2 + BushTextureSize
Y2 = (n2 + 1) * BushTextureSize - 1 - Sin(Angle#) * Radius#
For DeltaX = -3 To 3
Color 0, GrassColor + DeltaX * GrassDColor, 0
Line X + DeltaX, (n2 + 1) * BushTextureSize - 1, X2, Y2
For nn = 0 To 3
Angle# = nn * 45
xx# = Cos(Angle#)
yy# = Sin(Angle#)
CreateQuad s, xx#, yy#, -xx#, -yy#, n1, n2
End If
BushModel(n1, n2) = m
HideEntity m
SetBuffer FrontBuffer()
Color 255, 255, 255
Text 0, 30, "Generating grass squares (it might take some more time)..."
For Z = 0 To GrassGridSize - 1
For X = 0 To GrassGridSize - 1
m = CreateMesh()
EX# = X * GrassGridCellSize#
EZ# = Z * GrassGridCellSize#
EH# = TerrainY(Landscape, EX#, 0, EZ#)
For n3 = 1 To BushesQuantityPerSquare
DX# = Rnd(-MaxGrassSpreadingRadius#, MaxGrassSpreadingRadius#)
DZ# = Rnd(-MaxGrassSpreadingRadius#, MaxGrassSpreadingRadius#)
If Sqr(DX# * DX# + DZ# * DZ#) <= MaxGrassSpreadingRadius# Then
LX# = DX# * GrassGridCellSize# + EX#
LZ# = DZ# * GrassGridCellSize# + EZ#
LH# = TerrainY(Landscape, LX#, 0, LZ#)
DH# = LH# - EH#
Height# = LH# / LandscapeHeight#
If Height# > BushesThreshold# Then
Quantity# = 1.0 * (Height# - BushesThreshold#) / (MaxBushesThreshold# - BushesThreshold#)
If Rnd(1) < Quantity# Then
m2 = CopyMesh(BushModel(Rand(0, BushTypesQuantity - 1), Rand(0, BushModelsQuantity - 1)))
SXZ# = Rnd(BushModelScaleMin#, BushModelScaleMax#)
SY# = Rnd(BushModelScaleMin#, BushModelScaleMax#)
DY1# = TerrainY(Landscape, LX# + 1.0, 0, LZ#) - LH#
DY2# = TerrainY(Landscape, LX#, 0, LZ# + 1.0) - LH#
AlignToVector m2, -DY1#, 1.0, -DY2#, 2
RotateMesh m2, 0, Rnd(0,359), 0
ScaleMesh m2, SXZ#, SY#, SXZ#
s = GetSurface(m2, 1)
For n = 0 To CountVertices(s) - 1
VertexNormal s, n, 0, 1, 0
RotateMesh m2, EntityPitch(m2), EntityYaw(m2) , EntityRoll(m2)
PositionMesh m2, DX# * GrassGridCellSize#, DH#, DZ# * GrassGridCellSize#
AddMesh m2, m
FreeEntity m2
End If
End If
End If
BushMap(X, Z) = m
PositionEntity m, EX#, EH#, EZ#
EntityFX m, 16
EntityTexture m, Grass
HideEntity m
EntityAlpha m, 0.0
For n1 = 0 To BushTypesQuantity - 1
For n2 = 0 To BushModelsQuantity - 1
FreeEntity BushModel(n1, n2)
End Function
Function CreateQuad(Surface, X1#, Y1#, X2#, Y2#, XTex#, YTex#, DX# = 0, DY# = 0)
XTex# = XTex# * BushTextureXTexSize#
YTex# = YTex# * BushTextureYTexSize#
v1 = AddVertex(Surface, X1#, 0, Y1#, XTex#, YTex# + BushTextureYTexSize#)
v2 = AddVertex(Surface, X1# + DX#, 1, Y1# + DY#, XTex#, YTex#)
v3 = AddVertex(Surface, X2# + DX#, 1, Y2# + DY#, XTex# + BushTextureYTexSize#, YTex#)
v4 = AddVertex(Surface, X2#, 0, Y2#, XTex# + BushTextureYTexSize#, YTex# + BushTextureYTexSize#)
AddTriangle Surface, v1, v2, v3
AddTriangle Surface, v3, v4, v1
End Function
Function TryToAddSquare(X, Z)
S.ActiveSquare = New ActiveSquare
S\X = X
S\Z = Z
S\JustAdded = True
End Function
Function ExpandSquare(S.ActiveSquare)
If S\X > 0 Then TryToAddSquare S\X - 1, S\Z
If S\X < GrassGridSize - 1 Then TryToAddSquare S\X + 1, S\Z
If S\Z > 0 Then TryToAddSquare S\X, S\Z - 1
If S\Z < GrassGridSize - 1 Then TryToAddSquare S\X, S\Z + 1
End Function
Function CountNeighbors(S.ActiveSquare, NeighborType)
If S\X > 0 Then If (ServiceMap(S\X - 1, S\Z) And Visibility) = NeighborType Then SquaresQuantity = SquaresQuantity + 1
If S\X < GrassGridSize - 1 Then If (ServiceMap(S\X + 1, S\Z) And Visibility) = NeighborType Then SquaresQuantity = SquaresQuantity + 1
If S\Z > 0 Then If (ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z - 1) And Visibility) = NeighborType Then SquaresQuantity = SquaresQuantity + 1
If S\Z < GrassGridSize - 1 Then If (ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z + 1) And Visibility) = NeighborType Then SquaresQuantity = SquaresQuantity + 1
Return SquaresQuantity
End Function
Источник: http://www.blitzbasic.com/codearcs/codearcs.php?code=2033 |